At Image Video Solutions, we specialize in what most other production companies do not: the long form DRTV commercial. While :05, :15 and :30 commercials can be very effective when incorporated into a smart media campaign, the :60, :90, :120 and even 5 minute commercials can often tell your story in a way that can’t be done in less than a minute. Long form DRTV commercials can also be created to compliment an existing infomercial, and assist in keeping your brand in front of the viewer at all times of the day and night.
The Testimonial
Let your real customers help tell your story by hearing their stories about why your product or service is a “must have.” When combined with great writing, shooting, editing, and a top notch professional voiceover (male/female any accent, age or dialect available), the testimonial-driven commercial is an extremely effective way to capture an audience. And remember, when you’ve got more than :15 or :30 seconds, the viewer can really hear some powerful, in-depth stories from some of your company’s biggest fans that can mean an even stronger connection to your company, which can in turn mean….more calls, clicks and sales!
“In the News”
Another type of long form DRTV commercial we offer at Image Video Solutions is our “In the News” segment shot on a beautiful, new state-of-the-art news set that can be customized for the look and feel of your company. With our “In the News” segments you also get our “Industry Exclusive” guarantee, which means you will be the only company in your industry category to appear in this segment within a one year period, with first rights to renew the contract at the end of each year. One of our veteran male or female news anchors -you get to choose your anchor- will interview you or a representative from your company. How and why did you get started? Any unique backstories that would be of interest to the viewer? What separates your product or service from the competition? Why do I need to call now? How is your product going to make my life easier?
The Video “Advertorial”
Our 2-3 minute video advertorial segments have been extremely successful for participating clients. Think of these “advertorial“ videos as a news-style feature story with a commercial twist. This soft sell form of advertising can be very effective, and comes across as very authentic, because it is. These 2-3 minute segments give the viewer an opportunity to really get to know you, your business, and your product, and also allow time for some “show and tell” and live demos of products when appropriate. Viewers also enjoy seeing behind the scenes footage of a company, and learning about its history. All of these elements essentially help the viewer, and your potential new customer, get to know you and your business before you ever meet.
Image Video Solutions owner Catherine Shreves has been specializing in these types of segments for over 9 years now, and her advertorials have translated into huge sales for dozens of her clients.